
Once a student has been referred to TREC, and all the necessary documentation is provided by the referring school, TREC’s counselling secretary will call the parent/guardian and set up an intake meeting.  The referring school will remain responsible for academic programming until confirmation of transition is completed by TREC counselling steno.  Until such time, please contact the referring school if you have any questions. 

All students (with a parent or guardian) must come and meet with either Ms. Kiki Vandermeulen or Mr. Sandip Sadhra to get registered at TREC.   This meeting will take approximately one hour.  Please bring to the appointment student's birth certificate, care card and parent or guardian proof of BC residence in form of either a utility bill or BC drivers license.

All students will start with a partial program.  They can build up their schedule after a month if they have been attending regularly and completing work in class.

TREC has limited options for modified students.  They can attend a half day program with the emphasis on functional academics.  Art is the only elective that we offer students on a modified program.

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